Success Stories

A Result Courses

Courses are based on the premise that clear aims and hard work yield the best results. All courses are taught in the Ecole style, focusing on the following key features:

  • Career, work,business
  • Mental & physical care
  • Increasing welfare
  • People & relationships
  • Communication
  • New technologies
  • Increasing welfare
  • People & relationships
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Oleg Torrin

''An aspiring entrepreneur, had a dream of starting his own business but struggled with self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Working with a life coach, he identified the fears and negative thought patterns that were holding him back. Through targeted coaching exercises and mindset shifts, John gained confidence, developed a strong belief in his abilities, and overcame his limiting beliefs. He eventually launched his business, which thrived and surpassed his initial expectations.''

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Lina Jones

''A marketing professional, felt unfulfilled and stuck in her job. She sought the guidance of a life coach to explore her true passions and align her career with her values. Through coaching sessions, Sarah gained clarity on her goals and developed a step-by-step plan to transition into a new industry. With her coach's support, she successfully landed a job in a field she was truly passionate about, leading to increased job satisfaction and a renewed sense of purpose.''

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Denis Robert

''A busy professional, found herself constantly stressed and overwhelmed, struggling to balance her demanding job and personal life. Seeking support, she engaged with a life coach who helped her assess her priorities, set boundaries, and develop effective time management strategies. With the coach's guidance, Jennifer learned to prioritize self-care, delegate tasks, and create a healthy work-life balance. As a result, she experienced reduced stress levels, improved relationships, and a greater sense of overall well-being.''

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Mira Long

''Had struggled with maintaining a consistent exercise routine and achieving his fitness goals for years. He enlisted the help of a life coach who provided accountability, encouragement, and expert guidance. The coach helped Mark set realistic fitness targets, break them down into manageable steps, and create a personalized workout plan. With the coach's support and ongoing motivation, Mark not only achieved his fitness goals but also adopted a sustainable healthy lifestyle, leading to improved physical and mental well-being.''

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Ronald Richards

''A marketing professional, felt unfulfilled and stuck in her job. She sought the guidance of a life coach to explore her true passions and align her career with her values. Through coaching sessions, Sarah gained clarity on her goals and developed a step-by-step plan to transition into a new industry. With her coach's support, she successfully landed a job in a field she was truly passionate about, leading to increased job satisfaction and a renewed sense of purpose.''

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Nensi White

''An aspiring entrepreneur, had a dream of starting his own business but struggled with self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Working with a life coach, he identified the fears and negative thought patterns that were holding him back. Through targeted coaching exercises and mindset shifts, John gained confidence, developed a strong belief in his abilities, and overcame his limiting beliefs. He eventually launched his business, which thrived and surpassed his initial expectations.''